Welcome to the Jungle...
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So it begins... welcome to the Jungle.

Everybody keeps telling me that I need to have an email list. My publisher, my manager, everybody. A list compiled of people that I send promotional material to, or that I touch base with when I have news and updates. Monthly or weekly “touches” with people that I somehow convinced to join me on this quest. 

Here’s the problem: I have no idea what I’m doing. 

I hardly ever sign up for email myself. Most of the time it feels disconnected and disingenuous. Just another spam of information that fills my inbox and usually goes ignored. So now I find I’m being asked to do the same thing, it's just part of the way “things are done”, and I really don’t want to. 

So, in typical Dekker fashion, I’m going to change the way things are usually done. Because at the end of the day all I can be is myself, and all I care about is connecting with you. Each one of you. I want to get to know you, and I want to share who I am. A sort of confessional if you will. Forget the promotional marketing, I’m going to leave that to the people who are good at it. I’m just going to share my heart and be the only version of me I know how to be.

For now, we’ll call this “Letters from the Jungle”. The jungle, beautiful and full of wonder, can often seem treacherous and scary – a lot like life. Life is a jungle, well… part of it. Some circle around the jungle’s edge, peering in only to turn back and stay “safe”. But we’re the explorers, the curious, the adventurous, and we must go into the jungle. You and I are a bit different from the rest; some might even say Blue Monkeys in a sea of brown. Yes, we’re Blue Monkeys and this is our Jungle!

So for my first confession: I am constantly aware of my fear. 

Fear that every word I write is terrible, fear that every idea I have is trash, afraid that people will discover I’m really talentless, afraid that I won’t measure up, fear that I’ll try and fail, fear that people will see my fall and laugh. I’m willing to bet most of you can relate? 

When I started this writing journey people would tell me, “You’ve got one shot kid, with a last name like yours, you only get one.” No pressure. 

So I became painfully aware of my fear and my doubt. That’s why I wrote The Choosing; because I was searching for truth. Searching for my true name, the one I find only when I’m listening to the song my Father sings over me. That’s all this life is really, people searching for truth. Truth that helps us sleep soundly when the monsters come. 

I found my true name, but I forget it all the time. I found the light that chases away the dark, but the fear still comes for me. OFTEN. So now, as I search for deeper truths about my Father and His heart for me, I also practice remembering who I really am. 

Does this resonate with you? Do you, like me, ever lie awake at night and feel the fear closing in? You are not alone. We are the same you know. We all hold the power, because of who lives within us, to see the fear, but not be afraid. Because He knows us and calls us His. That is AMAZING! Let’s encourage one another; inspire each other to be fearless!

If you read to this point and it isn't your jam, no problem, feel free to Unsubscribe. I don’t want to waste your time. But if this resonated, then I hope to hear from you. I want to know, what do you fear? I promise I will read every, single email I get. Simply click reply and share with me if you wish.

Well that’s all I have for now. Till next time, I’m off to slay my fear, remember who I am, and feed my cat. Blessings friends!

- Rachelle 


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